Category: Performance

60 Jahre Filmmuseum

60 Jahre Filmmuseum

(This entry is only available in German) 60 Jahre Filmmuseum Live-Musik und Projektion Filmstill aus dem Film In Case the Black Egg Breaks the Sum of Us Will Flicker. Donnerstag, 14. März 2024, Österreichisches Filmmuseum Beginn: 23 Uhr Anlässlich des 60. Geburtstages des Filmmuseums findet […]

Fade to Death

Fade to Death

(This entry is only available in German) EXPANDED CINEMA PERFORMANCE Fade to Death in 4 Akten Analog im Super8 Original von Mario Sefelin Freitag, 19. Jänner 2024, filmkoop Wien Einlass: 19 Uhr Beginn: 20 Uhr Fade to death ist sowohl ein rasanter halluzinatorischer Trip, als […]

UNDERGROUND PULSES – expanded cinema by Elena Pardo

UNDERGROUND PULSES – expanded cinema by Elena Pardo

SCREENING / PERFORMANCE PULSOS SUBTERRÁNEOS / UNDERGROUND PULSES An expanded cinema presentation by Elena Pardo 2022, 40 minutes, color and b&w, 3x 16mm projectors, live sound by Tahereh Nourani Friday, May 12th Doors: 8pm Screening: 8:30pm Pulsos Subterráneos / Underground Pulses is a subjective account […]

filmmuseum vienna: 10 years of filmkoop vienna

filmmuseum vienna: 10 years of filmkoop vienna

filmkoop wien is a place where moving images are created. It is a place, but also an idea: that of a non-commercial, democratic and open collective. A collective that is based on personal commitment in order to create a space of independent artistic creation, freedom […]