Category: Screening

Screening: “MOTHERHOOD” – films by Magdalena Frey

Screening: “MOTHERHOOD” – films by Magdalena Frey

Thursday, 7. November 2019 Open Doors 18:00 | Screening 18:30 (freie Spende) filmkoop wien | 8., Wickenburggasse 15/Stiege 3 (Innenhof) Magdalena Frey is an austrian photographer and filmmaker. In her works she deals with realities of women and their work conditions. Her collages and films analyze gender relations […]

Spätsommerfest – 10 Jahre filmkoop wien

Spätsommerfest – 10 Jahre filmkoop wien

(This entry is only available in German) 10 Jahre filmkoop wien Spätsommerfest 05.10.2019 18h Open Doors 19h Screening Start Wickenburggasse 15/3/1b (Innenhof) Die filmkoop wien feiert ihr 10-jähriges Jubiläum als Verein zur Förderung der analogen Filmkultur. Zu diesem Anlass veranstalten wir ein Screening mit 13 […]

Screening: L’ailleurs inaccessible

Screening: L’ailleurs inaccessible

Experimental film & video by Guillaume Vallée & Charlotte Clermont (still from you’re a plant whisperer and for me it’s enough by Charlotte Clermont & Julien Champagne) We are more than happy to welcome Guillaume Vallée and Charlotte Clermont from Montreal, Canada this September. Join […]

SCREENING: Laboratorio cine FAC (Montevideo, Uruguay)

SCREENING: Laboratorio cine FAC (Montevideo, Uruguay)

(This entry is only available in German) 7.9.2019, 19 Uhr filmkoop wien, Wickenburggasse 15/3/1b 1080 Wien Info: Filmemacher: Teresa Puppo Guillermo Zabaleta Domenica Pioli, Sofía Martínez Agustina Beceiro, Lucía Ehrlich Diago Amir Natalia de León Luciana Damiani (personally present) Filme: Paraguay, of course | […]