Category: Screening
Screening series filmkoop wien IV/V
Filmkoop wien has the pleasure to invite international artists and filmmakers working with analog film to present their work. For our screening in November we show works made in the independent filmlabs l‘Etna (Montreuil, France), l‘Abominable (La Courneuve, France) and Labo Bis (Brussels, Belgium). After […]
Screening series filmkoop Vienna III/V.
filmkoop wien started a screening series and invites international artists and filmmakers to present their works at filmkoop wien. Each screening is curated by a different member. For September’s screening filmkoop wien-member Stefanie Weberhofer invites Sonya Stefan from Montreal with the film program Hybridity […]
Screening – The Kalampag Tracking Agency
We are happy to announce that filmmaker and curator Shireen Seno from the Philippines will visit filmkoop wien and will present the program ‘The Kalampag Tracking Agency’. Overcoming institutional and personal lapses to give attention to little-seen works—some quite recent, some surviving loss and […]
BAINS ARGENTIQUES – International Film Labs Meeting in Nantes
filmkoop wien was part of the international filmlabsmeeting spending one week together with dedicated filmlovers from 50 other labs, coming from 5 contintens. A full programm of projections, workshops and discussions dedicated to photochemical film! find more info here: Possible with the […]