VHS Glitch Workshop + Konzert

VHS Glitch Workshop mit Guillaume Vallée (CAN)

Experimental filmmaker, video artist and independant curator, Guillaume Vallée graduated from Concordia University in Montreal with a Major in Film Animation and MFA in Studio Arts – Film Production option. He’s interested in alternative forms of moving images in analogue forms as a way of considering the direct interaction between different mediums. His work is an exploration of materiality within the creative process. In attempts of creating a more complex relationship with his subject matter, Vallée makes use of cross-medium forms that range from camera-less techniques to optical effects, glitch, video feedback, resulting in expended & hybrid pieces. He works mainly on Super8, 16mm and VHS.

Lerne in diesem Workshop mit analoger Video-Projektion zu arbeiten und VHS-Kassetten zu manipulieren.
Es ist kein Vorwissen notwendig. Der Workshop findet in englischer Sprache statt.

They’re going to explain their creative process, how they create video glitch using VHS, video feedback, video mixer.
They’re going to explain the way they collaborate and what they’re using to perform (demonstration, A/V performance).
They’re going to show examples of contemporary video artists from Quebec and discuss the different communities in Montreal.


Freitag 27. September, 18:00 – 21:00 Uhr

€ 10,00 für filmkoop wien Mitglieder
€ 20,00 für alle anderen

Anmeldung unter: steffi@filmkoopwien.at




Im Anschluss findet eine Audiovisuelle Improvisation statt.

Live Musik von Hazy Montagne Mystique & Charlotte Clermont
Film/video hybrid projections by Guillaume Vallée (CAN)
#hazymontagnemystique #charlotteclermont #guillaumevallee #filmvideohybrid #16mm #analogvideo #experimentalmusic #noise #musiqueconcrete #psychedelic
#cosmic #fun #montreal #canada

Scheduled Performance Workshop

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