Category: Performance

Laser Expanded Evening

Laser Expanded Evening

2025-05-16 | 7:30 PM | Join us in the filmkoop for an evening of articulated light with the help of lasers controlled by sound! Oscilloscopemusic Oscilloscope Music is audiovisual music, where the visuals are drawn by the sound. In order to get the closest possible […]



PAINTINGS, PHOTOGRAPHY & AUDIO VISUAL POETRY Performance with Film, Paintings, Poetry & Improvised Music Through several 3 minute short films in Super8 and 16mm, we will try to create a connection inbetween spaces of written letters through music, movement & poetry with an overall dramaturgical […]

Modular Cringe Band

Modular Cringe Band

Modular Cringe Band Live Performance Modular Cringe Band präsentiert Videoarbeiten von Johannes Milchram und Florian Fusco, die im Rahmen ihrer EP FM Politics entstanden sind. Bei der Live-Performance erwartet das Publikum eine spannende Reise durch den Zufallsprozess der Bandmitglieder Ida Westh-Hansen und Florian Fusco. Mithilfe […]

poetry equals distant film

poetry equals distant film

An evening featuring uncut Super8/16mm films from a single cardrige/spool with live interventions through music, spoken word performance and dance. In the first part films will be paired with a single performer/musician separated inbetween by spoken word under the influence of flickering projector light. In […]