Category: Screening

16mm Films by Randy Sterling Hunter

16mm Films by Randy Sterling Hunter

16mm Films by Randy Sterling Hunter Saturday 1.December 2012  at filmkoop wien Wickenburggasse 15/3/1B 1080Wien Open Doors at 19h Screening starts at 20h



POP-UP CINEMA WALK  mit filmkoop wien We take to the streets with our films and project them onto building facades of former cinemas. Walk with us through the city! +Hawker (GER: Bauchladen) with popcorn andbeer! “We have nothing that is ours except time” analog/digital filmprogramme […]

Gran Lux: Filmnight

Gran Lux: Filmnight

Das Wien Museum Karlsplatz wird zum Kinopalast. Thema des Abends ist der analoge Film und das Spiel mit der Visualität, der Chemie und den Bearbeitungstechniken des Films. Filmemacher, Sound Artists und Musiker greifen das Konzept des Expanded Cinema (Erweitertes Kino) auf und bespielen das Wien […]

Jour Fixe: Devotional Cinema

Friday 20. April 2012 – 19h Devotional Cinema by Nathaniel Dorsky Book reading at the filmkkop wien (Wickenburggasse 15/3/1b, 1080Wien) Nathaniel Dorsky has been making and exhibiting films since 1964. His works have been shown internationally in museums and theaters and are in the permanent […]