Film Scanning Lecture

Film Scanning und Digitale Restaurierung

The lecture addresses decisions, questions, and challenges surrounding the topic of film digitization. Johannes Minas and Lena Stötzel both work at the Austrian Film Museum, where they prepare, scan, color correct, and digitally restore 8-35mm film material. They will provide insights into the practical implementation of digitization and explain the theoretical knowledge that is essential in this process. In addition to an introduction to the technology and operation of scanners, they will discuss what constitutes a good scan, which formats are suitable for which purposes, and why the highest resolution is not always the best option.


The lecture is intended as an introduction, and no prior knowledge is required.


Monday, December 2nd, 2024, 6 PM
filmkoop wien
Komödiengasse 8
1020 Wien
Pay as you wish!



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